Reported in the literature after kidney transplantation in patients with habitual abortion by immune lymphocytes produce a good effect. The author started in 1987, abortion of patients with congenital abortion before delivery of patients with spouses of lymphocytes, the observed two-year success rate was low, then changed to the third week of pregnancy infusion method. The two methods observe the same standards. Subjects were selected and the same spouse at least three consecutive spontaneous abortion of non-mothers. Laboratory tests anti-spouse - HLA antibodies (-), the couple by a variety of laboratory tests did not find the cause of abortion. Including the determination of patient hormone levels, uterine angiography, karyotype analysis, endometrial microbiology, autoantibodies and coagulation tests; spousal karyotype and sperm culture. Before treatment, both couples need to measure Ph-ABO-Kell blood type and irregular hemagglutination cable, HBV