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我很努力读书,我知道取得优秀的成绩就是对哥哥最好的回报,或许才能在他灰色的遗憾中添入些许温暖的亮色,让他觉得自己的付出值得。1父亲离开那年,我12岁,哥哥17岁。准备上高三的哥哥毅然选择辍学,无论母亲怎么劝都不听。哥哥辍学后,到一个建筑工地当泥工学徒。大概是初去的缘故,再加上他一脸书卷气,工人们常欺负他,那些又累又脏的活总是留给他干。哥哥不恼,还总是乐呵呵地答应,干得很认真。 I am very hard at school, and I know that getting good grades is the best reward for my elder brother, maybe I can add a little warm light to his gray regret and make him feel that he has to pay for it. When my father left that year, I was 12 years old and my brother was 17 years old. Prepared for the third year of her brother decided to drop out, no matter how mothers advised not to listen. After dropping out of school, my brother went to a construction site as a mason. Probably the beginning of the reason, coupled with his face bookish, workers often bully him, those tired and dirty life is always left to him to do. Brother does not get angry, but also always cheerfully agreed, doing very seriously.
镜头一:“老师,你什么时候变成不听话的小孩了?”  师:我是一颗快乐的蒲公英种子。今天,我离开了妈妈,飞啊,飞啊,(碰到了太阳公公)太阳公公,您好!  生(太阳公公):你好,蒲公英!  师:太阳公公,我要找个好地方安家呢!(向下看着)啊,那儿金光闪闪,肯定是个好地方。  生:那儿是沙漠,千万不能去。  师:我就去那儿,金光闪闪的,我一定会成为一个百万富翁的!  生:不,孩子,那儿虽然金光闪闪很好看