北宋英宗治平神宗熙宁二朝,今汕头漳州一带曾发生较强烈的地震。《中国地震简目》(1977年版)给出其参数是: To 1067·11·6(儒略历、下同) EPC 潮安、潮阳和揭阳一带,N23.6°、E116.5° Ⅰo Ⅸ M 6 3/4 《广东省地震史料汇编》则称之为“潮州地震”,有的研究者尚给出了等烈度线。笔者在整理有关史料时,经查《宋史》、《宋会要辑稿》,并据《福建省地震历史资料汇编》所引据的《闽书》 《睽车志》等史籍,认为其间地震不只一次,且震中和震级都有商榷的必要。
Northern Song Dynasty Emperor Yingzong Heping Xining two dynasties, Zhangzhou, Shantou, there have been more intense earthquake. The “Earthquake Shortage of China” (1977 edition) gives the following parameters for the EPC Chaoan, Chaoyang and Jieyang areas: To 1067.11.6 (Julian calendar, the same below), N23.6 °, E116.5 ° Ⅰo Ⅸ M 6 3/4 “Earthquake Historical Assemblies in Guangdong Province” is called “the Chaozhou earthquake”, and some researchers still give the same intensity line. The author in sorting out the relevant historical data, the investigation of “Song History”, “Song will be editing” and “Fujian Province, according to historical data compiled” cited “Min book” “Chi car” and other historical records, during which There are more than one earthquake, and the epicenter and earthquake magnitude are both necessary for discussion.