Hyperthyroidism (hereinafter referred to as hyperthyroidism) is a common endocrine disease. Cardiovascular symptoms and signs are often one of the typical manifestations of the disease. Patients often palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmia, cardiac hypertrophy and expansion, cardiac contractility, cardiac output and pulse pressure can be increased, even with congestive heart failure. There have been many controversies over whether hyperthyroidism can cause heart problems. About 1938 years ago, many reports believe that hyperthyroidism alone does not cause heart disease, but because other heart disease often co-exist, and induced and aggravated by hyperthyroidism; most scholars since 1938 advocated that hyperthyroidism can indeed cause heart Lesions (1, 2, 4). In 1943, Likoff and Levine reported 331 cases of hyperthyroidism without structural heart disease, 21 (6.3%) with heart failure,