莲是人们熟知的一种植物,她的芳名远播,家喻户晓。 莲花,又名芙蓉、芙蕖,也有称作菡萏的。酷暑炎夏,我们不妨坐在植有莲花的塘畔略事休息,绿荫如盖,水下凉生,但见满眼翡翠之中,镶嵌着点点红珠白玉,微风吹来,幽香缕缕,使人顿觉神清气爽,暑热全消。若是趁着月色,在银白的波光中可见那袅袅婷婷的莲花,风姿绰约,有的羞羞答答,如新嫁娇娘;有的仪态万方,象凌波仙子。泛舟其中,水面上仿佛还隐隐约约地传来古代采莲姑娘曼妙的歌声:“采莲南塘秋,莲花过人头,低头弄莲子,莲子清如水……” 在历史上,中国古代吟咏莲花的诗人何止千百。屈原在流放期间,目睹国事日非,满腹忧
Lotus is a well-known plant, her name is widely known, well-known. Lotus, also known as hibiscus, Fu Hao, also known as 菡 萏. Summer hot summer, we may wish to sit in the banks of the lotus pond planted a little rest, shade, such as cover, underwater cool, but see full of emeralds, inlaid with a little red beads white, breeze blowing, fragrance, Feel refreshing, heat all eliminate. If it is taking advantage of the moonlight, in the silver waves that can see the curl Tingting lotus, graceful, and some shy and replied, such as the new married Jiaoiang; some manners Wanfang, like Ling Po fairy. Rafting among them, seems to be still vaguely came the ancient plucking girl graceful song: “Lotus Nantang Qiu, lotus head, bow lotus, lotus clear water ... ...” In history, ancient Chinese chant lotus More than one hundred poets. Qu Yuan during the exile, witnessed the national day non-full of worry