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十年改革的浪潮,把一大批名不见经传的小人物推上了企业家的舞台,也使一大批默默无闻的小厂一跃而跻身于全国大、中型企业的行列。十年改革,十年巨变。甘肃省铝业公司就是在十年改革浪潮的推动下,审时度势,抓住机遇,大胆决策,开拓进取,充分发挥自己原料产品和地方企业经营机制灵活的优势,坚持党的领导,广泛发动群众,走出了一条企业发展的路子。使得甘肃省铝业公司在短短的十年中从小到大,从弱到强,由一个只有几百名职工的单纯的铝冶炼小厂发展成为一个拥有数千名职工和具有相当规模的铝冶炼、铝加工和炭素制品加工能力的综合性生产企业。十年中产量翻了2.41番,产值翻了2.018番,利税翻了3.58番,固定资产总值翻了3.31番。职工年均收入增长了2.48倍。企业面貌发生了深刻的变化。 The wave of reforms over the past decade has pushed a large number of little-known people to the stage of entrepreneurs, and has caused a large number of obscure small factories to leap into the ranks of large and medium-sized enterprises nationwide. Ten years of reforms have changed dramatically over the past decade. Gansu Aluminum Industry Co., Ltd. promoted by the wave of ten-year reforms, reviewed the situation, seized the opportunity, made bold decisions, and forged ahead. It gave full play to its flexible advantages in raw materials and local business operations, adhered to the leadership of the party, and widely mobilized the people. Out of a business development path. In the short span of ten years, Gansu Aluminum Corporation grew from small to large, from weak to strong, from a simple aluminum smelting factory with only a few hundred employees to a large aluminum company with thousands of employees and considerable scale. A comprehensive manufacturer of smelting, aluminum processing, and carbon processing capabilities. In the ten years, production has increased by 2.41 times, output value has increased by 2.018 times, profits and taxes have increased by 3.58 times, and total value of fixed assets has increased by 3.31 times. The average annual income of employees has increased by 2.48 times. The appearance of the company has undergone profound changes.
现批准JG 197—2006《预应力混凝土空心方桩》行业标准第1号修改单,自发布之日起实施,经此次修改的原条文同时废止。一、修改为:预应力混凝土空心方桩预应力钢
本文是对多年后张混凝土预应力施工技术的经验总结,既提出了施工要点和一些实用的方法,又指出了施工中应注意的问题。 This article is the experience summary of the post-t