一面曾经在天安门广场飘扬过的五星红旗,由原北京天安门国旗班班长孙立亭带到上海交通职业技术学院,传递到8名学生手中,他们举着国旗在一千五百多名新生队列中来回穿梭行走,大家激动地抚摸着这面神圣的国旗,感受着它的荣光。9月3日,正值中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念日,上海交通职业技术学院为201 5级新生开展
The five-star red flag, once flown in Tiananmen Square, was brought to the Shanghai Jiaotong Polytechnic by Sun Liting, the former squad leader of the Beijing Tiananmen Square flag, and handed over to eight students holding the national flag in more than 1,500 freshmen queues Walking back and forth walking, we excitedly stroked this holy flag, feel its glory. On September 3, coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, Shanghai Jiaotong Polytechnic Institute conducted the 201 5th grade freshmen