花开两头,各表一支 看工控市场A/D转换器应用与微处理器的发展

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在中国半导体集成电路市场上,工业控制类应用规模位居第四。而随着信息技术与半导体技术的发展,借助快速的处理器技术、灵敏的感测器件技术,以及有线/无线网络技术,医疗电子有望成为2007年工控市场最华丽的SOLO。更多的标准模拟器件与MCU会引入到医疗电子的设计方案当中。高效能模拟技术的发展更是为这一新兴领域注入新鲜活力。正所谓“花开两头,各表一支。”工业控制领域另外一个需求大户是处理器。一面是Intel宣布自3月份开始将不再接受大约700多种型号的x86处理器订单,x86架构似乎到了退休边缘;一方面AMD与VIA却大肆在嵌入式系统上攻城略地。2007年的工控市场对于传统的x86架构会是怎样的一个未知情况? In China’s semiconductor integrated circuit market, industrial control applications ranked fourth. With the development of information technology and semiconductor technology, with the help of rapid processor technology, sensitive sensor technology and wired / wireless network technology, Medical Electronics is expected to become the most gorgeous SOLO in the industrial control market in 2007. More standard analog devices and MCUs will be introduced into the medical electronics design. The development of high-performance simulation technology is bringing fresh energy to this emerging field. The so-called “spend two ends, each one table.” Another area of ​​industrial control demand is the processor. On the one hand, Intel announced that it will no longer accept about 700 models of x86 processor orders beginning in March. The x86 architecture seems to be on the verge of retirement. On the one hand, AMD and VIA have aggressively lost ground in embedded systems. 2007 industrial control market for the traditional x86 architecture will be an unknown situation?
塔皮出身低下,尽管他是在巴黎郊区长大的,却非 常讨厌这个城市的球队。他是著名的企业人,相信只要 努力工作,就会有所作为。 Tapi was born low, although he grew up in th
In einer Kanovitz-Ausstellung ziehenediche1 Besucher still, jeder f r sich von Bildzu Bild. Man denkt: hier bist du gutaufgehoben, allein unter lauter Eizelnen,
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农业环环质量评价/赵振纪,杨仁斌主编.-北京:中国农业科技出版社,1993.2.-214页;32开.-ISBN 7-80026-419-X:4.00元梁漱溟全集第五卷/中国文化书院学术委员会编. Agricultur