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蝴蝶是个大家族,据有关资料记载,全世界目前有蝶约14000种,中国约1300种。蝴蝶以其特有的绚丽色泽与花纹,优美的舞姿而倍受人们的喜爱,历来被誉为春的使者和美的象征。蝶会,在我国最负盛名的,有云南大理的蝴蝶泉。每年阴历四月,成千上万只各种蝴蝶飞来泉边参加这一年一度的“蝶会”。它们或临空盘旋,贴泉飞舞,或缀满柔枝,形成斑烂奇美的“蝴蝶树”和垂直泉面的“蝴蝶链”,其景色蔚为壮观。在大理宾川、米汤小鸡山前的灯草洼,每年端午前夕,成千上万的蝴蝶从四面八方飞来,聚集在洼子旁的一棵大松树上,成团成串的蝶类栖息树枝,致使粗实的树枝微微颤动,有些细枝竟弯成半月形,周围青松翠柏的绿叶,衬托出这株蝴蝶树,犹如一株盛开在万绿丛中、色彩鲜艳的花树。一旦振动树干,蝴蝶便铺天盖地飞起,宛如漫天的花雨。素有“蝴蝶王国”之称的台湾省,每当进入冬季,部 Butterfly is a big family, according to the information records, there are about 14,000 species of butterfly in the world and about 1,300 species in China. Butterfly with its unique brilliant color and pattern, beautiful dance and much loved by people, has always been hailed as the spring messenger and the symbol of beauty. Butterfly, the most prestigious in our country, the Butterfly Spring Dali, Yunnan. In the lunar calendar every year, thousands of all kinds of butterflies come to Spring Festival to participate in this annual “Butterfly Society.” They circled in the sky, stuck in the spring, or covered with soft branches, forming a gorgeous “Butterfly Tree” and a vertical “Butterfly Chain”. The scenery was magnificent. In Dali Binchuan, rice soup chickens in front of the light grass depression, each year on the eve of Dragon Boat Festival, thousands of butterflies flying from all directions, gathered in a large pine tree next to the pool, into a cluster of butterfly habitat twigs , Resulting in thick branches of the tree quivering, some twigs actually bent into a semilunar shape, surrounded by green leaves of cypresses, set off this butterfly plant tree, like a tree in full bloom, colorful flowers. Once the vibration of the trunk, the butterfly will be overwhelming fly, like a torrential rain. Known as “Kingdom of the Butterfly,” said Taiwan Province, whenever it enters the winter, ministry
目的获取过敏性疾病患儿疾病、生活质量相关资料,并观察孟鲁司特治疗儿童过敏性疾病的疗效。方法 2008年3月至2011年5月北京第二炮兵总医院59例过敏性疾病患儿,分两组:对照组
Case 11.Patient’s conditionsThe patient,a 75-year-old female,gained adm is-sion to the hospitalwith her heart failure accompanied by10-year’s d iabetes and 2-