提起联邦德国的球星布里格尔,知道他的人就会有难忘的记忆电视屏幕上映出西班牙足球世界杯赛意大利与联邦德国争夺冠军的画面.突然,德国队门前出现了险情,对方已把球攻入了守区.就在这情势紧急、对方前锋即将抬脚劲射之际,布里格尔冒着受罚的风险,毅然拦腰抱住对方,使其无法施展威力.当然,西德队被判罚点球,然而点球未进,终使意大利队失去一次极好的进球机会,这是他急中生智、随机应变的集中表现. 比赛已到下半时,布里格尔把球吊到对方门前,意大利著名
Brik Brigger brought up the Federal Republic of Germany, will know his people will have a memorable memory TV screen showing the Spanish Football World Cup Italy and the Federal Republic of Germany compete for the championship picture. Suddenly, the German team appeared in front of danger, the other has put The ball scored the defender .In this situation is urgent, the other forward is about to lift the shots, Brigger risked penalty, resolutely hold each other, so that it can not display their power.Of course, the West German team was Penalty penalty, but the penalty did not enter, and finally the Italian team lost an excellent goal, which is his rapid intellectual, adaptable focus of the game has been the second half, Brigger hung the ball in front of each other, Famous Italian