Regulation of the m RNA half-life in breast cancer

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:super_sxw777
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The control of the half-life of m RNA plays a central role in normal development and in disease progression. Several pathological conditions, such as breast cancer, correlate with deregulation of the half-life of m RNA encoding growth factors, oncogenes, cell cycle regulators and inflammatory cytokines that participate in cancer. Substantial stability means that a m RNA will be available for translation for a longer time, resulting in high levels of protein gene products, which may lead to prolonged responses that subsequently result in over-production of cellular mediators that participate in cancer. The stability of these m RNA is regulated at the 3’UTR level by different mechanisms involving m RNA binding proteins, micro-RNA, long non-coding RNA and alternative polyadenylation. All these events are tightly interconnected to each other and lead to steady state levels of target m RNAs. Compelling evidence also suggests that both m RNA binding proteins and regulatory RNAswhich participate to m RNA half-life regulation may be useful prognostic markers in breast cancers, pointing to a potential therapeutic approach to treatment of patients with these tumors. In this review, we summarize the main mechanisms involved in the regulation of m RNA decay and discuss the possibility of its implication in breast cancer aggressiveness and the efficacy of targeted therapy. The control of the half-life of m RNA plays a central role in normal development and in disease progression. Several pathological conditions, such as breast cancer, correlate with deregulation of the half-life of m RNA encoding growth factors, oncogenes, cell cycle regulators and inflammatory cytokines that participate in cancer. Substantial stability means that am RNA will be available for translation for a longer time, resulting in high levels of protein gene products, which may lead to prolonged responses that subsequently result in over-production of cellular mediators that participate in cancer. The stability of these m RNAs is regulated at the 3’UTR level by different mechanisms involving m RNA binding proteins, micro-RNAs, long non-coding RNAs and alternative polyadenylation. All these events are tightly interconnected to each other and lead to steady state levels of target m RNAs. Compelling evidence also suggests that both m RNA binding proteins and regulatory RNAswhich participates a review of the mechanism of RNA half-life may be useful prognostic markers in breast cancers, pointing to a potential therapeutic approach to treatment of patients with these tumors. In this review, we summarize the main mechanisms involved in the regulation of m RNA decay and discuss the possibility of its implication in breast cancer aggressiveness and the efficacy of targeted therapy.
本文选取的外植体为文冠果木质化茎段,研究了茎段的灭菌方法,腋芽萌发的诱导,非胚性愈伤组织和胚性愈伤组织的诱导,不定芽的诱导、增殖、生根,弱苗复壮等,建立了文冠果茎段组织培养体系。结果表明:1、茎段最适宜的灭菌方式为75%酒精30s+5% NaClO 8min+0.1%HgCl210min(附加2滴吐温-20)+75%酒精30s,存活率为45.00%,感染率为31.67%,死亡率为23.33%。2、
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摘要:培养高中学生的数学解题思路能够有效培养学生良好数学素养,同时还可以從根本上训练学生的数学问题解答策略和方法。高中生掌握正确的数学解题思路,能够有效提升对问题案例分析、解答策略的运用以及解题方法的应用、解题能力。本文将会结合教学工作心得,简要论述了学生数学解题思路的培养途径。  关键词:高中 数学 解题思路  【中图分类号】G633.6  一、前言  在高中数学的学习目标中,解题思路是学生必不
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【摘要】:小学低年级的孩子由于年龄小,识字量少,还不能阅读纯文本书籍,而這个学段又是养成良好阅读习惯的关键期,对培养孩子的阅读习惯和阅读能力都至关重要。绘本以精美的图画、生动的语言牢牢吸引了学生,通过想象,精彩的故事情节要比纯文本更能激发孩子们的兴趣,在一定程度上也符合儿童早期阅读的特点和习惯。因此,在“绘本阅读”逐渐“走红”的今天,它已经逐渐渗入到小学低年级的语文课堂。  【关键词】小学低年级