用活价格政策 促进农民增收

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陕西省旬阳县物价局,充分发挥物价部门职能作用,促进产业结构调整和县域特色经济发展,促进了农民增收。 (一)深入调研,当好参谋。“烤烟、蚕桑、黄姜”是旬阳县的三大支柱产业,支撑着旬阳经济的半壁江山。烤烟近几年全县种植面积稳定在10万亩左右,但由于该项生产技术含量高、受自然因素影响大,加之国家烟叶收购定价低、等级价格不合理等,比较效益一直不高,严重制约烤烟生产发展。2002年他们在三个乡镇确定了9户烤烟成本调查点。今年经过调研,为确保农民增收,在烤烟收购中提出了全县收 Price Bureau of Xunyang County of Shaanxi Province, giving full play to the functions of price departments to promote industrial restructuring and economic development of the county economy, and promote farmer income. (A) in-depth research, good staff. “Flue-cured tobacco, silkworm mulberry, turmeric” is Xunyang County’s three pillar industries, supporting half of Xunyang economy. Flue-cured tobacco in recent years the county planted area stabilized at about 10 acres, but due to the high technical content of production, subject to natural factors, coupled with the low pricing of state tobacco, the level of price is unreasonable, the comparative benefit has not high, serious Restrict the development of tobacco production. In 2002, they established nine investigation points for the cost of flue-cured tobacco in three townships. This year after investigation, in order to ensure that farmers increase income, put forward in the acquisition of flue-cured tobacco counties received
中国人文社科学报学会四届二次常务理事会暨全国重点大学社科学报主编研讨会于2001年11月 19日在宁波大学魏绍相馆召开,与会代表近 60人。会议主要内容有三:一是总结第四次会员代表大会以
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