白蚁是我国南方蔗区的重要害虫。在广东、广西、福建、云南、贵州、四川、江西、浙江和台湾等省(区)的山区和丘陵旱地均有发生为害,特别是新垦地植蔗受害尤重。严重年可造成大面积的缺苗断垄,甚至全部失收。据初步调查,常见为害我国甘蔗的白蚁计有六种,分属于二科五个属:一、鼻白蚁科:Rhinotermitidae Light(一)散白蚁属:Reticul itermes
Termites are important pests in sugarcane fields in southern China. Harms occur in mountainous areas and hilly drylands in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Taiwan provinces, especially in newly reclaimed land. Serious years can cause a large area of lack of seedlings broken ridge, and even all lost. According to the preliminary investigation, there are six species of termites that commonly damage our country’s sugarcane, belonging to five families of two families: I. Rhinotermitidae Light (I) Reticul itermes