多年来,史学界对沙俄侵略新疆的研究已有了很大成就,但对旧俄时期的“中国通”在新疆的活动却没能给予应有的重视。研究它对全面认识历史、服务现实无疑有所裨益,笔者试对之进行探讨,以期抛砖引玉。 从十九世纪六十年代开始,培养“汉学家”的中心由北京俄罗斯馆迁到了彼得堡,因此,
Over the years, historians have made great achievements in the study of tsarist Russia aggression in Xinjiang, but failed to give due attention to the activities of the “China Connect” in old Russia during its period in Xinjiang. It is undoubtedly beneficial to the comprehensive understanding of history and service reality. It is probable that the author will discuss it with a view to initiating the discussion. From the sixties of the 1860s, the center for cultivating “Sinologists” was relocated to Beijing from the Russian Museum of Art in Beijing. Therefore,