在北京文学中,城市书写向来是不可或缺的重要组成部分。邱华栋和铁凝作为性别殊异的两位作家,立足于2 0世纪9 0年代的北京印象,从不同维度展示了北京城市景观及北京人的精神处境。如果说邱华栋书写的北京是男性的、现代的和物欲的,那么铁凝想象的北京则是女性的、传统的和仁义的。城市化潮流席卷全球,北京文化与其说正在经历褪色的煎熬,毋宁说正在尝试各种被重组的可能,面对支离破碎的历史记忆和错综复杂的现实镜像,北京文化将何去何从?邱华栋与铁凝做出了不同回答。
In Beijing literature, city writing has always been an indispensable part. As the two writers of different genders, Qiu Huadong and Tie Ning displayed the Beijing cityscape and the spiritual situation of Beijingers from different dimensions based on the Beijing impression of the 1930s. If Beijing’s poems written by Qiu Huadong are male, modern and materialistic, then Tie Ning’s vision of Beijing is women’s, traditional and benevolent. The trend of urbanization sweeping the world, Beijing culture is not so much experience the fading torment, rather that they are trying to be reorganized as possible, in the face of fragmented historical memories and intricate images of reality, Beijing culture will go from here? Qiu Huadong and Tie Ning made Different answers.