选別回采、廢石結砌充填的上向梯段采矿法是我矿过去几年在緩傾斜極薄矿脉土法采矿工作中总結出来的一个比较先进、实用的采矿方法。目前在全国各地有很多地方国营以及人民公社办的中小型矿山,这些矿有山一部分仍是以土法开采为主,因此我們現將这种采矿方法介紹出来,以供参考。一、采矿技术特征: (一)矿脉情况:極薄緩倾斜的含矿石英脉,脉厚0.3~0.5公尺:傾角20°~30°左右:含矿种类钨(黑钨)、钼(輝钼)、铍(綠柱石)等为主,銅(黄銅)、锡等次之,品位分布较均匀。
Selective mining, waste rock filling the tower to the bench mining method is mine in the past few years in the gently inclined very thin veins mining method summarized in the work of a more advanced and practical mining methods. At present, there are many small and medium-sized mines run by state-owned enterprises and people’s communes throughout the country. Some of these mines are still dominated by indigenous mines. Therefore, we introduce this mining method for reference. First, the mining technology features: (A) of the vein conditions: a very thin and gently inclined ore-bearing veins, pulse thickness of 0.3 to 0.5 meters: Inclination 20 ° ~ 30 ° or so: ore type tungsten (black tungsten) Molybdenum), beryllium (beryl) and so on, copper (brass), tin and so on, the grade distribution more evenly.