对于普通消费者来说,买房可以说是耗时最长、手续最繁琐的交易行为。不同的购房人有不同的选房标准,但挑选了住宅以后,都要面对大致相同的交易过程。商品房的交易要涉及到买房人、发展商和交易部门.如果是贷款买房,还要牵扯到银行、保险等机构。 办理商品房交易的程序到底
For ordinary consumers, buy a house can be said that the longest, most complicated procedures for transactions. Different buyers have different room criteria, but after the selection of residential, have to face roughly the same transaction process. Real estate transactions involve buying a home, a developer, and a trading unit. If it is a loan to buy a house, but also involve banks, insurance and other agencies. Deal with the procedures for real estate transactions in the end