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近年来,我国高职院校技能竞赛如火如荼的进行,技能竞赛的开展对于高职院校专业课程体系的建设、人才的培养以及学校的发展具有重要的作用和意义。烹饪专业是一个新兴专业,因此探讨技能竞赛对烹饪专业人才的培养显得很有必要,本文就是基于该出发点,研究技能竞赛对高职烹饪专业人才培养的作用,以此来为高职烹饪专业的人才培养提供思考。 In recent years, the skill competitions of higher vocational colleges in our country are in full swing. The development of skill competition plays an important role and significance in the construction of professional curriculum system, personnel training and school development in higher vocational colleges. Cooking specialty is a new specialty, so it is necessary to explore the cultivation of culinary professionals through skill competition. Based on this starting point, this paper studies the effect of skill competition on the cultivation of higher vocational culinary professionals, Talent training to provide thinking.
人生如棋,棋如人生。棋——小小方寸之间,腾挪转移,硝烟四起;你来我往之间,步步为营,殊死搏斗。人生——从出生开始,每一次迈步,都将对未来造成或大或小的影响。牵一发而动全身,说的,不仅是棋,也是人生。  在古代,琴棋书画是考察一个人才能的首选。下棋能在此之列,可见它在古人心目中地位之高。有人曾说:下棋考验的是棋手对全盘的把握与考虑,与随机应变的能力。  一个好的棋手,在下棋之前就先想好了下这盘棋的目