Hybrid Sedimentation in Late Permian-Early Triassic in Western Sichuan Basin,China

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qin6668
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Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sedimentation is common in the Upper Permian-Lower Tri-assic in the western Sichuan(四川) basin.The extensional movement was strong in the Late Permian,resulting in differential uplifting of fault blocks.During this period,there was an extensive retrogres-sion.The Kangdian(康滇) ancient land progressive uplifted and enlarged,forming the major prove-nance of terrigenous clastics.In Changxingian age,mixed terrigenous-carbonate sedimentation was dis-tributed in the area between Dafeishui(大飞水)-well Dashen(大深)-1-well Shoubao(寿保)-1 and Beichuan(北川)-well Guanji(关基).The terrigenous clastics sourced from Kangdian ancient land input into the relatively shallow water,resulting in an extensive limited platform-mixing tidal flat where moderate-thick laminated grey limestone,thin muddy limestone and purplish red sandy shale were de-posited.The tectonic framework in Feixianguanian(飞仙关) stage was inherited from the Chang-xingian stage.The hybrid sedimentation was limited to the south of Dujiangyan(都江堰)-Xindu(新都).In Jialingjiangian(嘉陵江) stage,the palaeogeographic features were also unchanged and two complete transgression-retrogression cycles also occurred.The mixing tidal flat was distributed to the west of Baoxing(保兴)-Ya’an(雅安)-Hongya(洪雅)-Leshan(乐山),where purplish red sandstone with thin limestone and shale interbeds and grey-dark grey silty mudstone with limestone were deposited.The carbonates in the mixed facies tract have few primary pores preserved and poorly-developed secondary pores due to the relatively high content of terrigenous clastics,strong compaction and weak dissolution.Therefore,they are unfavorable for the development of effective reservoirs. Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sedimentation is common in the Upper Permian-Lower Tri-assic in the western Sichuan basin. The extensional movement was strong in the Late Permian, resulting in differential uplifting of fault blocks. During this period, there was an extensive retrogres-sion.The Kangdian ancient land progressive uplifted and enlarged, forming the major prove-nance of terrigenous clastics.In Changxingian age, mixed terrigenous-carbonate sedimentation was dis-tributed in the area between Dafeishui (大 飞水) -well Dashen -1-well Shoubao -1 and Beichuan -well Guanji. The terrigenous clastics sourced from Kangdian ancient land input into the relatively shallow water, resulting in an extensive limited platform-mixing tidal flat where moderate-thick laminated gray limestone, thin muddy limestone and purplish red sandy shale were de-posited. The tectonic framework in Feixianguanian stage was inherited from the Chang-xingian stage.The h ybrid sedimentation was limited to the south of Dujiangyan (Xindu) .In Jialingjiangian (Jialingjiang) stage, the palaeogeographic features were also unchanged and two complete transgression-retrogression cycles occurred occurred. mixing tidal flat was distributed to the west of Baoxing -Ya’an -Hongya-Leshan, where purplish red sandstone with thin limestone and shale interbeds and gray-dark gray silty mudstone with limestone were deposited.The carbonates in the mixed facies tract have few primary pores preserved and poorly-developed secondary pores due to the relatively high content of terrigenous clastics, strong compaction and weak dissolution.Therefore, they are unfavorable for the development of effective reservoirs.
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