一九八六年秋,笔者在集安县大路村—通天村集安群大东岔组上部发现并确定了浊积岩的存在。经野外宏观观察,该套浊积岩为浅粒岩、长石石英砂岩、黑云变粒岩和含榴黑云变粒岩组成的巨厚的韵律层系。根据矿物组成和残留的构造推测原岩为岩屑长石砂岩、长石砂岩、粉砂岩等。在残留构造保存较典型的地段,可清楚地观察到完美的鲍玛序列:A 层为浅粒岩、长石石英岩,显块状层理,尚可辨认出递变层理,其中常包含的暗色矿物的团块(可能为富泥质沉积物变质的产物),在接近 B 层处可见断续平行层纹的残留构造,单层厚10—30cm;B 层为典型的平行纹层,由长石石英岩和黑云
In the autumn of 1986, the author found and confirmed the existence of turbidite in the upper part of the Daducha Formation of Ji’an Group, Tulu Village, Ji’an County. The macro-observation shows that the turbidite is a thick rhythm layer composed of shallow-grained rock, feldspathic quartz sandstone, biotite granulite and garnet biotite granulite. According to the mineral composition and residual structure of the original rock speckled feldspathic sandstone, feldspar sandstone, siltstone and so on. In the more preserved tectonic reservation, the perfect Bowman sequence can be clearly observed. The A layer is a shallow-grained feldspar quartzite with a block-like bedding, which can still be recognized as a graded bedding, which often contains (Probably a product of metamorphic sediment rich in muddy sediments). The residual structure of parallel streaks with a single layer thickness of 10-30cm can be seen close to layer B. The layer B is a typical parallel lamina, From feldspar quartzite and dark clouds