In recent years, personal loans for personal loans have been developed rapidly as new varieties of personal loans. However, there are some problems that are worthy of attention and consideration in the current personal loans for personal loans. First, the scope of loans is too large. Second, the loan quota The upper limit has been set too high. At present, the tendency of “big pay” is becoming increasingly clear. It deviates from the personal business loan as the operating direction of the retail business. Third, the borrower, who already has a public loan to the operated entity, The provisions of industry loans are not conducive to practical operation and loan management. Fourth, the issue of “homogeneity” with the credit business of small enterprises has become increasingly evident. In order to promote the healthy development of personal loan, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: First, define the boundary of small enterprise credit business in the scope of loan object; second, strengthen the definition of “miniaturization”, the loan quota and the scale of customer operation Thirdly, we should adjust the market orientation and development direction of individual assisted loans.