Electro-stimulation anesthesia rostral ventrolateral medulla (rVLM) can induce epicardial electrocardiogram ST segment was significantly elevated. Stimulation of the deep peroneal nerve can inhibit this response. P5 planar transected brain stem, bilateral electrolytic destruction of central ventral midbrain gray matter (vPAG) or bilateral rVLM microinjection of enkephalin antibody, can significantly reduce the inhibitory effect of the deep peroneal nerve. The above results suggest that the deep peroneal nerve can inhibit the myocardial ischemia response induced by rVLM. The inhibitory effect of the deep peroneal nerve may depend on the integrity of the brain structure in some areas above the mid-head and head end. VPAG may be one of the central components of this inhibitory effect. Enkephalin level of enkephalin may be involved in this process.