伴随着改革开放的不断深入,越来越多的国外企业在中国投资,同时也带来了一个新观念,一流的企业需要一流的生产环境。生产环境的改善包括对企业厂房地坪的处理,如环氧系列地坪、耐磨骨料地坪等。秀珀公司看准了这一市场契机,在浦东建立了生产基地,成立了专业施工队伍,提供施工一条龙服务。作为国内地板漆行业的开创者之一,秀珀公司一直秉承“一流的产品,一流的服务”的品质观 把 经验和技术奉献给每一位客户 当
With the deepening of reform and opening up, more and more foreign enterprises have invested in China and brought a new concept. First-class enterprises need first-rate production environment. Improvements to the production environment include the treatment of factory floors, such as epoxy flooring, wear-resistant aggregate floors and more. Show Perot companies spotted the market opportunity to establish a production base in Pudong, the establishment of a professional construction team to provide construction through-train service. As one of the founders of the domestic floor paint industry, Sauper Co., Ltd. has been adhering to the “first-class products, first-class service” quality concept to the experience and technology dedicated to every customer