十六大是“放”还是“收” 《社会科学报》:请问您如何评价党的十六人在我党历史上的重大意义? 王长江:十六大应该怎么办?是“放”还是“收”?是墨守陈规还是要再往前走一步,就是“七·一”讲话之后,反对的声音也不小,十六大召开之后,出现了现在这样振奋人心
The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: “Put ” Or “Receiving ” “Social Science Newspaper”: How do you evaluate the significance of the 16 people in the party history? Wang Changjiang: After the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, what happened now was that after the 16th National Congress of the CPC was held, Inspirational