内外如一、瞬间惊炸、触人即出的六合浑元整劲,是每个内家拳习练者都孜孜以求的。然而,要获得这种功劲,却需要一个漫长丽又十分艰巨的过程。若不得法,纵然苦练一生,也是枉然。敝人所见众多内家拳习练者,能打出一记漂亮的整体发力者,委实寥寥无几。诚可叹也! 五年前,我有缘巧遇方磊恩师,被我的诚心所感动,收我为徒。从此,恩师便按自已的精心计划悉心授我武功。最初所传,便是此功。恩师单独秘授此功时曾说:“现将我三十多年来所获精华,毫不保留地传给你,让你有一条捷径可走,望好自珍重!”并嘱我勿轻易传诸于人。五年来,我一直恪守师训.未公开此法。今冒天下之大不韪.将此功法公诸于众.旨在阐扬武当髓.同时也有意向世人说明:真正的“速成”功法是存在的,但也是相对的(如练此功就需要具备较好的内功基础),绝非像某些广告中所说的那样玄乎。师言犹在耳边,但当恩师知道我的良苦用心时,相信他会理解的。
Inside and outside as one, an instant shock, touching the people out of Luhe Hunyuan whole body, every home boxing practitioners are diligent. However, it takes a long and arduous process to obtain such power. If not law, even if hard life, but also in vain. I found a lot of people inside the boxing practitioner, can make a note of the overall force of those who made a good, really few. Sincerely, also! Five years ago, I happened to meet Fang Lei mentor, was touched by my sincerity, accept me as a disciple. From then on, the mentor gave her the martial arts conscientiously according to her own careful planning. The first pass, it is this work. When the teacher alone secretly taught this work, she said: “I now pass on to you the best I have gained over thirty years and leave you with no reservations. You have a shortcut to look forward to!” Spread to others. In the past five years, I have always abided by the teacher training. The present great practice is to make the world known by all means, making it a reality to showcase the essence of Wudang Meditation and also to explain to the world that the real “speeding” exercises exist but are also relative Have a good foundation of internal strength), by no means as some advertisements said Xuanhu. The teacher’s words are still in my ears, but when the teacher knows my good intentions, I believe he will understand.