First, the flood features The Huaihe flood in 1991 came earlier, the trend of Meng Meng, a large amount of high peak, especially in the section of the waterway below the Gaoyou Lake, there has been more than 1954 flood characteristics.March 11 River sanxia gates began to excrete peach, The flow of 3000 cubic meters / second, has been discharged to April 20, of which March 15, 16, 17, the maximum flow rate of 4500 cubic meters / second. The water level of Gaoyou Lake rose from 5.77 meters (basal level of waste Yellow River Estuary) on March 11 to +6.98 meters on March 19. The Wanfu Gate and Jinwan Gate to the rivers and lakes on March 12 opening gate discharge peach flood traffic 1750 cubic meters / second, has been routed to April 26, of which March