一降雨情况与病情損失的关系: 引黄灌区目前生产上的主要水稻品种极易感染稻瘟病(1956年经江苏分院接种鉴定结果,属于最易感病类型),种于带菌较普遍(带菌率最高达14%),加以病、健稻草露天混放,菌源充足,稻瘟病流行程度主要取决于水稻生长阶段(7、8月分)的降雨情况。现以永宁农业气候站1954年至1959年7、8月的有关气候资料与稻瘟病损失率作如下分析: 7、8月各气候因素的合计值与稻瘟病损失率的简单相关:分析结果如表1。
Relationship between rainfall and disease loss: The main rice varieties currently produced in the Yellow River Irrigation Area are highly susceptible to rice blast (the most susceptible type was inoculated in Jiangsu Branch in 1956) Up to 14%), to be sick, healthy rice mixed open-air, adequate bacteria, blast prevalence depends mainly on the stage of rice growth (July, August points) of the rainfall. Now Yongning agricultural climate station from 1954 to 1959, August and August 1959 the relevant climate data and the rate of loss of rice blast as follows: July and August the sum of the climatic factors and the rate of loss of rice blast simple correlation: the results of such as Table 1.