坚持实践第一 四季挖蚁护杉——广济县人工挖白蚁的几点体会

来源 :湖北林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:grand666
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在“农业学大寨”和无产阶级文化大革命运动的推动下,我县广大革命群众发扬“愚公移山”的革命精神,在黄土岗上营造杉木林十二万亩,长势很好。但是,全县杉木林从幼林到成林,均遭到白蚁危害。轻者,啃食干皮,影响林木健康生长;重者,啃食树根,造成全株死亡。如新庙大队林场统计,七三年来,大树被吃死160多株,幼林被害后成片枯死,以致连年补栽,影响了造林绿化速度。为了迅速根治杉木蚁害,我们遵照毛主席关于“同病虫害作斗争”的指示,采取人工 Under the guidance of “Agricultural Studies in Dazhai” and the proletarian cultural revolution, the vast revolutionary masses in our county carried forward the revolutionary spirit of “foolish people and common people” and built 12,000 Chinese fir forests on Loess Plateau. However, the entire county Cunninghamia forest from young to forest, have been termite damage. Light, eating dry skin, affecting the healthy growth of trees; severe cases, eating tree roots, resulting in death of the whole plant. For example, according to statistics from the Forest Farm of the New Temple brigade, more than 160 trees were eaten dead in the past seven or three years. After the young trees were killed, they became dead and became planted, thus affecting the afforestation rate. In order to quickly cure the fir insect damage, we follow the instructions of Chairman Mao on “fighting against pests and diseases” and adopt artificial
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