As long as officials are no longer keen on those who are not bound by the plan, no longer create a bigger bubble; as long as scholars no longer talk about the tension of the belts with feelings of peace in the world; as long as the business is no longer looking forward to stimulating policies and government rescue, China There is hope for business and the economy. The same news was received in two meetings during the autumn with an entrepreneur delegation: the number of Chinese acquisitions in Germany hit a record high this year, though the amount is still far below the investment made by German companies in China. According to the German side, the intention of the acquisition is to acquire technology, and second, to enter the European market. The climate of anxiety and change exists not only in the manufacturing sector, but real estate developers do everything possible to invent, develop services extended by real estate, and operate as little assets as possible. From these different past signs, I saw the hope of the Chinese economy. Since last year, the growth rate of China’s economy has obviously slowed down. This is government-led