The Role of Viral Mutation in the Pathogenesis of Chronic Viral Hepatitis

来源 :Virologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:majun913
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The quasispecies nature of hepatitis B and C virus (HBV, HCV) plays an important role in the pathogenesis, immune escape and drug resistance during chronic infection. Although there is still a lack of effective treatment for hepatitis C, a series of nucleoside analogs (NA) have been developed for the treatment of hepatitis B. NA resistant HBV mutants can accumulate during prolonged therapy and lead to the failure of anti-HBV therapy. Switching to other sensitive NAs can inhibit the emerged resistant mutants. Therefore, understanding the evolution of viral quasispecies under drug pressure is crucial for the establishment of antiviral strategy and the monitoring of antiviral process. Immune response and escape are complicated process, during which both host and virus factors may play their roles. Further understanding of the interaction and interrelationship between host and these viruses may lead to optimized prevention, diagnosis and treatment for chronic hepatitis. The quasispecies nature of hepatitis B and C virus (HBV, HCV) plays an important role in the pathogenesis, immune escape and drug resistance during chronic infection. Although there is still a lack of effective treatment for hepatitis C, a series of nucleoside analogs NA) have been developed for the treatment of hepatitis B. NA resistant HBV mutants can accumulate during prolonged therapy and lead to the failure of anti-HBV therapy. Switching to other sensitive NAs can inhibit the seemingly resistant mutants. Therefore, understanding the evolution of viral quasispecies under drug pressure is crucial for the establishment of antiviral strategy and the monitoring of antiviral process. Immune response and escape are complicated process, during both both host and virus factors may play their roles. Further understanding of the interaction and interrelationship between host and these viruses may lead to optimizing prevention, diagnosis and treatment for chronic hepatitis.
用程序框图表示算法时,算法的逻辑结构展现得非常清楚. 高中所学的程序框图包含三种逻辑结构:顺序结构、条件结构和循环结构. 其中,考查最多的是循环结构,还经常以算法和程序框图为载体考查对高中其他重要数学知识的理解. 程序框图的考查集中于识图与填图,本文着重探讨填充类程序框图和程序语句的相关解法,以期给大家带来举一反三的思考.  一、程序框图的填充  1. 条件结构框图的填充  例1 已知函数[y=l
我国《宪法》明确规定,各民族有权使用自己的民族语言。作为多民族国家,在促进各民族间和谐共处和发展中,倡导汉语与各族语间的双语教育,是当前乃至以后民族区域语言教育的重点内容。  新疆是我国五大自治区之一,全区少数民族人口所占比重超过60%,双语教育在新疆民族教育工作中的地位显得尤为重要。本文从民族教育的现状及新疆双语教育的实践入手,提出了几点建议。  一、新疆民族教育发展现状  从新疆地区的少数民族
女儿莹莹喜欢画画,她的铅笔画画得不错,线条流畅,内容夸张有想象力,常常得到老师的表扬,因此她很自豪。一天,莹莹拿着画本来到我的书房,本子上画着一片绿绿的草地,一个正在放风筝的小姑娘。她拿给我看,想让我夸她几句。  我正在画一幅国画,画的是树上的鸟儿。莹莹看了看她的铅笔画,又看了看我用毛笔画的画,估计觉得还是用毛笔画的更好看,她悄悄地将画本放好,来到我的身旁,轻声地问道:“爸爸,我可以用毛笔画画么?
算法是数学及其应用的重要组成部分,是计算科学的重要基础,对同学们培养逻辑思维能力和数学表达能力有着重要意义. 程序的设计是本章的一个难点、重点问题,主要体现在语句的选择、语句的使用、语句的衔接等方面,在运用过程中很容易出错,哪怕一个极小的错误都会导致整个程序无法被计算机运行,因此在设计程序时一定要小心,要注意语句的前后逻辑关系和算法语句的选择. 为了帮助同学们掌握算法语句,笔者列举了一些常见错误,
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