The reason why backward developing countries exist to catch up with developed countries is that the latter countries have the advantage of backwardness, of which the predominant advantage is in converting costs. The so-called conversion costs refer to the loss caused by the conversion from one state or behavior to another state or behavior and the costs that need to be paid. In technological progress, it refers to the loss and payment of a change from one technology (product or process) to another technology (product or process). In the technological progress, the conversion costs are mainly as follows: (1) The introduction of new products may lead to the decrease of the sales volume and the price of the original products; (2) The innovation of products or processes may lead to the early scrapping loss of tangible assets that have not reached the expected service life; (3) The introduction of new technology leads to the interruption of the original production process. As a result of the reduction of production and the suspension of production, profits and financial difficulties will be brought to the enterprise; (4) The adoption of new technologies may cause the original