Principles of Risk—taking, the Language—Cultural Connection and in Language Learning and Teaching

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  (江西師范大学外国语学院,江西 南昌 330000)
  【Abstract】: Inspired by the twelve principles put forward by H. Douglas Brown in his book Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, the author perceives three principles to be at the top of the list. They are risk-taking, language-cultural connection and strategy investment.
  【Key words】:teaching by principles, risk-taking, language-cultural connection,
  In Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (Brown, 1994: P15), H.Douglas Brown talks about twelve principles of language learning and teaching. Which he groups as cognitive, affective, and linguistic principles.
  The author perceives two principles that are of great importance in second language learning and teaching. They are risk-taking, language-cultural connection.
  2. Risk-taking
  Successful language learners, in their realistic appraisal of themselves as vulnerable beings yet capable of accomplishing tasks, must be willing to become“gamblers”in the game of language, to attempt to produce and to interpret language that is a bit beyond their absolute certainty(Brown, 1994: P140). Learners who are dare to take risk in language acquisition tend to use the newly acquired language without hesitation, willing to use the complicated or difficult linguistic elements, besides, they take positive attitude toward certain knowledge that they are not sure. According to Corder(2007:P44), “the characteristic of reduction strategies is refraining from the risks, while risk-taking is one of the features of the successful strategies. And the latter is conducive to language acquisition.” Furthermore, Beebe (1983: P39) once pointed out that lacking of risk awareness is one of the reasons that result in fossilization. The principle of risk taking is beneficial to English learning, by taking risk, learners have more opportunities to practice the target language. In other words, they have more output activities and learn English by using it. According to Swain’s output hypothesis, output gives rise to noticing. (Swain, 1995) 2.1 The importance of risk-taking in language learning and teaching
  Risk-taking can have students get more feedbacks from teachers and peers. In class, some students are prone to take risks. The courage of taking risk is the symbol of their strong desire to study. Ely found that risk-taking behavior was a positive predictor of students’ active participating. (ChaoZhihong 2004: P191).   3. The language-culture connection
  Language expresses facts, events or ideas, which represent people’s beliefs, the way they think and view the world. Therefore, Language and culture are closely related with each other.” (Xuping 2013: P135)The latter the core, the dominant factor, therefore, language should be taught in culture, in other words, taking culture into consideration in English language teaching. “Language is fish, culture is water; without water, fish would be dead. Similarly, without culture, language would be meaningless, without language, culture would not be shaped.”(Li Jianhua 2012: P128)
  3.1 Differences between the Chinese culture and the Western culture
  In the west, it is regarded as polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express appreciation. In China, the situation is quite the reverse. Normally we Chinese feel that if you open the gift and you might be thought greedy. Hence, Chinese people tend to open the gifts after the visitors have left.
  3.2 The importance of the cultural teaching in language teaching
  Cultural awareness can cultivate students’ cross-cultural communication. Since language and culture has intimate relationship, we could not teach language without teaching culture. Teacher has to focus on the teaching of the use of language, not just words, grammar and structures. And how to use the foreign language properly needs the mastery of target cultural information.
  4. Conclusion
  In a word, risk-taking and culture play a very important role in English language learning and teaching. Therefore, teachers should increase the students’ cultural awareness so that they will notice the differences when exposed to the target language and able to find out for themselves what to say and what not to say. In addition, teachers should try their best to create an atmosphere that encourage their students to try out language and venture a response rather than wait for others to volunteer language.
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