How Chinese Companies Enhance Competitive Advantage Through Enterprise Information System Implementa

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cklingdian
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This paper describes how Chinese companies can enhance their competitive advantage through implementing enterprise information systems (EIS). The reference framework combines strategic information system alignment and dynamic capabilities perspectives. EIS implementations were analyzed in eight companies (four in China and four in Europe). Recommendations derived from this analysis can be used by Chinese EIS practitioners to effectively enhance organizational competitiveness through EIS implementation. The results show that Chinese companies must achieve a strategic alignment between their business strat- egy and EIS strategy and then they should facilitate EIS implementation by effectively designing managerial processes and learning mechanisms. This paper describes how Chinese companies can enhance their competitive advantage through implementing enterprise information systems (EIS). The reference framework were analyzed in system and dynamic capabilities perspectives. EIS implementations were analyzed in eight companies (four in China and four in Europe). Recommendations derived from this analysis can be used by Chinese EIS practitioners to effectively enhance organizational competitiveness through EIS implementation. The results show that Chinese companies must achieve a strategic alignment between their business strat-egy and EIS strategy and then they should facilitate EIS implementation by effectively designing managerial processes and learning mechanisms.
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