In the area within a 30-km radius around the nuclear power station, radioactive fission products of 20MCi were settled. It is not hard to imagine that the degree of accumulation of radioactivity is quite high. From the spatial dose rate distribution map, the hourly 1-digit millimeter level is very wide. Close to the nuclear power plant place, the dose rate by the end of May there are 50 ~ 100mR / h. Decontamination of nuclear power plant facilities, removal of surface soil, coated with particles to prevent the spread of paint. Soviet experts believe it is fortunate that there is no meaningful amount of rainfall and that radioactive material does not flow from the highly polluting sites into the Kiev reservoirs. A typical project for food radioactivity is the concentration of ~ (131) I in milk. Western European countries reported that ~ (131) I in milk is quite high. Central Soviet Republic of Ukraine, Republic of Belarus, in milk