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东汉时期的辟举以选拔中央和地方州郡各官府的属吏为目的。虽然各级辟主可以自行辟除属吏,但国家对辟举仍有较多的限制措施。中央和地方官府辟举的类别具有多样性,以此保证辟举有多方面的人才来源。在东汉的社会条件下,辟举起到的作用,不只是使辟主获得一些僚佐,而且,也为一些比较稳固的官僚集团的形成创造了条件。东汉中后期,由于国家政治统治趋于腐败,并且,地方大牲、冠族势力也日益发展,因此,国家对辟举的约束很难收到实效,辟举出现了很多弊端,日益混乱。这种情况已呈现无法扭转的趋势。 The Election in the Eastern Han Dynasty aimed at selecting the officials of the central and local prefectures and prefectures as ministers. Although the proletariat at all levels can dismiss officials as their own, the state still has more restrictive measures against it. The diversity of the categories dictated by the central and local authorities ensures that there are many sources of talent for the initiative. Under the social conditions of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the role of enlightenment was not only to get the proletarians some bureaucratic but also to create conditions for the formation of some relatively stable bureaucratic groups. In the late Han and Eastern Han dynasties, due to the tendency of the political rule in our country becoming corrupt, and the local sacrifices and crown forces also growing day by day, it is difficult for the state to exert any restraint on the enfeoffment. This situation has shown an irreversible trend.
患者男,39岁,因发热伴皮疹3 d于2005年7月20日由我院传染科收住入院.患者入院前3 d出现发热,最高体温38℃,咳嗽无痰,门诊予病毒唑、头孢哌酮钠(先舒)及对乙酰氨基酚(泰诺)等药物治疗,无明显疗效,全身渐出现红色斑疹.患者有高血压病史,一直口服厄贝沙坦(安博雅)、吲达帕胺(寿比山).无特殊食物、药物过敏史.入院体检:体温39℃,脉搏90次,呼吸19次,血压150/96 mm Hg(1 m