1 古代时期(公元前2世纪~1600) 中日两国是一衣带水的邻邦,有着悠久的往来历史。后汉王充(公元27—91)在《论衡》中说:周时有倭人(日本人的古称)来中国送一种香草。约在公元前280年,秦朝的徐福带着“百工技术”和医生到日本寻找仙药。公元一世纪,班固(32—92)在《汉书·地理志》中写道:“乐浪海中有倭人,分为百余国,以岁时来献见。”公元666年(一说658年),唐朝僧人智踰、智由把指南车东传日本。710年(奈良时代)以前,就有大量书籍传入日本,如《论语》、《尔雅》、《山海经》、《抱朴子》、《张华博物志》、《齐民要术》等。717年,日本人吉备真备到中国学习天文、算学等。735年回到日本讲授上述内容,使用的书有:《大衍历仪》、《九章》、《周髀》、《定天论》、《史记·天官书》、《汉书·天文志》等。他还将测影铁尺、铜律管等观测及实验器具带回了日本。
1 Ancient Times (2nd Century BC ~ 1600) China and Japan are neighbors of a strip of water and have a long history of contacts. Wang Chong, the late Han (AD 27-91), said in Lun Heng: Zhou Youyou (the ancient Japanese name) came to China to send a vanilla. About 280 BC, Xu Fu of the Qin Dynasty took “Hundred Workmanship” and doctors went to Japan to search for Xian Xian. In the first century AD, Banchu (32-92) wrote in the book “Geography of Han Dynasty”: “There are Woryans in the sea of Le Lang, which are divided into hundreds of kingdoms and are sacrificed when they are old.” In 666 (658 Year), the monks in the Tang wise, wise guide to the East car Japan. Before 710 (Nara period), a large number of books were introduced to Japan, such as The Analects of Confucius, Er Ya, Shan Hai Jing, Bao Pu Zi, Zhang Hua’s Bo Ji, Qi Min Yao Shu Wait. In 717, Japanese people prepared to go to China to learn astronomy, arithmetic and so on. Back to Japan in 735 to teach the above content, the use of the book are: “the calendar”, “nine chapters”, “Zhou”, “fixed day theory”, “Shi Ji Tian Guan Shu”, “Han Astronomy Chi ”and so on. He also brought back measurements and measurements of iron rulers and brass instruments to Japan.