硬骨鱼与其它脊椎动物一样,体内具有多种激素物质。这种物质是由体内的内分泌腺体分泌的,按其化学本质来说可分成三类:含氮激素、甾体类激素和脂肪酸激素。 在正常的条件下,各种激素的作用是相互平衡的(如图),若动物机体内的分泌腺体出现异常,就会破坏激素的平衡,扰乱正常代谢和生理功能,从而影响动物的正常发育与健康。因此,研究鱼类的激素,对鱼的生长发育有着极其重要的意义。
Like other vertebrates, bony fishes have many hormones in their bodies. This substance is secreted by the body’s endocrine glands and, according to its chemical nature, can be divided into three categories: nitrogenous hormones, steroid hormones and fatty acid hormones. Under normal conditions, the role of various hormones are balanced (Figure), if the body of the animal secretion abnormalities, it will undermine the balance of hormones, disturb the normal metabolism and physiological functions, thus affecting the normal animals Development and health. Therefore, the study of fish hormones, fish growth and development has an extremely important significance.