群众请愿 1989年农历正月初九,当杏红色的太阳刚刚在地平线升起之时,牛东乡政府大门前,锣鼓喧天,爆竹声声,老人儿童小伙姑娘成群结队,叽叽喳喳,熙熙攘攘。路人只当是在排练迎元霄节节目,其实他们是来要求乡政府解散他们西谷东村村委员会的! 事情原来是这样的,西谷东村原领导班子因长期不能组织村民改变落后面貌,且以权谋私,引起村民不满,近日又因审批宅基地不公等问题同村民发生直接冲突,为此数百村民连夜自发地开着三辆大卡车敲
Petitions by the masses In the first lunar month of the first lunar month of 1989, when the apricot-red sun was rising just above the horizon, the gongs and drums roared into the sky and the firecrackers burst into sound. The girls and kids from old age and children drool in droves and crowded together. In fact, they came to ask the township government to dissolve their committee of Xigong East Village! This turned out to be the case. The original leadership of Xigung East Village was unable to organize the villagers to change their backwardness in the long run and In order to abuse their power for personal gains, they have aroused villagers’ dissatisfaction. Recently, they directly clashed with the villagers for the issue of granting homestead unfairness. As a result, hundreds of villagers spontaneously opened night with three large trucks