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我县地处东南沿海的木兰溪上游,属于丘陵半山区.常年降雨量1600毫米,日照总时数2128小时,阳光总辐射量每平方厘米110.41大卡,日平均气温21.1℃,七月至九月间常有台风,只有少数年份在十二月至一月间会出现霜冻,总的说是比较适合甘蔗的生长.因此,群众种植甘蔗的历史悠久,也有比较丰富的经验,是我省甘蔗的主要产区之一.全县19个公社、36万亩耕地中,有12个公社、28万亩耕地是属于蔗区.解放后,在毛主席革命路线的指引下,我县甘蔗生产有较大发展,一九六六年蔗糖总产达到5500吨.但是,林彪、“四人帮”横行期间,我县的甘蔗生产受到了严重的干扰破坏,产量多年徘徊,甚至下降.一九七五年国务院召开了棉、油、糖、麻、烟的生产会议,省、地、县委制定和落实了发展蔗糖生产的政策和措施,有力地促进了我县甘蔗生产的恢复和发展.一九七七年,我县在党中央、华主席抓纲治国战略决策的指引下,坚决贯彻“以粮为纲,全面发展”的方针,”认真落实党在农 My county is located in the upper reaches of the Mulan River in the southeast coast, belonging to hilly Mid-levels. The annual rainfall of 1600 mm, the total number of hours of sunshine 2128 hours, the total solar radiation 110.41 kcal per square centimeter, the average daily temperature of 21.1 ℃, July to September There are often typhoons in the month, only a few years in December to January there will be frost, in general, is more suitable for the growth of sugarcane. Therefore, the people planting sugarcane has a long history, but also has a wealth of experience, Of the main producing areas in 19 communes, 360000 acres of arable land, 12 communes, 280000 acres of arable land belongs to the sugarcane area.After the liberation, under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, my county sugar cane production However, while Lin Biao and the “gang of four” were rampant, the production of sugar cane in our county was seriously disturbed and destroyed, and the output has been hovering or even dropping for many years. In 1975, the total output of cane sugar reached 5,500 tons. The State Council held a production meeting for cotton, oil, sugar, hemp and tobacco. The provincial, prefectural and county governments formulated and implemented policies and measures for the development of sucrose production, which effectively promoted the recovery and development of sugar cane production in our county. Years, my county party Central Committee, China Under the guidance of guiding the strategic decision of governing the country, Chairman Jiang Zemin resolutely implemented the principle of “taking the grain as the key link and all-round development” and “conscientiously implemented the party’s principle of”
目的:   人巨细胞病毒(human cytomegalovirus,HCMV)是导致新生儿先天畸形和出生缺陷的首要感染因素,其危害巨大,给家庭和社会带来巨大负担。关于HCMV先天感染致病机理的研究
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自从激光扫描系统在20世纪60年代首次使用后,已被设计和应用在许多方面,例如超市的条码阅读机和投影电视用的超大屏幕(30 m)。这些应用大多可归为输入(阅读机)或输出系统(书写
目的 观察功能锻炼护理干预乳腺癌患者术后康复的临床应用效果.方法 以我院2020年1月~6月收治的10例乳腺癌患者为观察组,在其术后实行功能锻炼护理;另从我院往期(2019年)收治