一、品种简介日本品种 ,果实大型 ,单果重260~360克 ,最大果重480克 ,圆至椭圆形。果实全面鲜红 ,色泽艳丽 ,果肉黄白色 ,含糖量13 6 %以上 ,味甘甜 ,耐贮运 ,风味特异而浓香 ,品质特优 ,果实8月上中旬成熟 ,自花授粉坐果率高 ,需严格疏花、果。成熟期在瓜果淡季
First, the species profile Japanese varieties, large fruit, fruit weight 260 ~ 360 grams, the largest fruit weight 480 grams, round to oval. Fruit full bright red, bright color, flesh yellowish white, sugar content of more than 13 6%, sweet, resistant to storage, flavor and specificity of fragrant, excellent quality, fruit mature in mid-August, self- To be strictly flowers, fruit. Mature in the off-season fruits