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德国邮政改革是一个长期的、渐进式的过程,而与之相配合的邮政监管机构和监管方式也在不断发生变化,这对保证邮政改革的稳步推进、维护邮政市场秩序以及促进邮政行业的健康发展都起到了重要的作用。一、历史沿革及监管职能1.历史沿革1990年,德国开始了邮政改革,将原有的邮政部一分为三,成立了德国邮政、德国电信和德国邮政银行三家企业,同时成立了邮电部作为邮政和电信行业的监管机构。1995年,德国邮政改制为德国邮政公司,同时德国邮政银行重新回归邮政。1998年,德国邮政法颁布实施,对邮政普遍服务做出了一系列规定,并做出了逐步开放德国邮政市场的承诺,至2007年底德国邮政市场将向欧盟全面开放。伴随着新邮政法的实施,新的邮电监管机构——邮电监管局成立,取代邮电部负责对邮政和电信行业进行监管。2005年,德国邮政监管机构由邮电监管局转变为联邦网络局,作为经济技术部下面的一个级别较高的局,负责对电力、天然气、电信、邮政、铁路等行业进行监管。联邦网络局全系统有2300名雇员,其中邮政部共有30名雇员,由相关的绎济学家、律师、行政人员等组成。2.监管职能邮政监管机构的基本职能是:其一,在国内根据邮政法和其他法规保障邮政普遍服务,在全德国境内使民众以可以负担得起的资费提供基本的邮政服务;保护邮政用户的利益和通信秘密;维护邮政市场的公平竞争;保障公共安全利益。其二,在国际上代表德国邮政处理相关的国际事务,其中包括代表德国在万国邮联处理各个层次的国际邮政事务,参加邮联行政理事会年会和参加邮联经营理事会年会;代表德国参加两年一次的欧洲邮电行政大会年会,参加关于法规、经济和万国邮联事务工作组(该工作组负责国际经济自由化、世界贸易组织、邮政部门的定义、邮政网络等问题);代表德国在欧盟委员会履行相关的职能。 The postal reform in Germany is a long-term and gradual process, and the corresponding postal regulatory agencies and regulatory modalities are constantly changing. This is of great significance in ensuring the steady progress of the postal reform, maintaining order in the postal market and promoting the health of the postal industry Development has played an important role. I. Historical evolution and regulatory functions 1. Historical evolution In 1990, Germany began the postal reform, the original Ministry of Posts divided into three, the establishment of Germany Post, Deutsche Post and Deutsche Post Bank three companies, while the establishment of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications As the postal and telecommunications industry regulators. In 1995, the German postal system was transformed into a German postal company, meanwhile Deutsche Post Bank returned to postal service. In 1998, the German Postal Law was promulgated and implemented, making a series of provisions on the universal postal service and made a commitment to gradually open the German postal market. By the end of 2007, the German postal market will be fully opened to the EU. With the implementation of the new postal law, the new post and telecommunications regulatory body - Post and Telecommunications Authority was set up to replace the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is responsible for regulation of the postal and telecommunications industries. In 2005, the German postal regulatory authority was transformed by the Post and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority into the Federal Bureau of Cybernet, which oversees industries such as electricity, gas, telecommunications, postal services and railways as a higher bureau under the Ministry of Economic and Technical Affairs. The FBI employs 2,300 people across the system, including a total of 30 employees in the Ministry of Post, which is made up of relevant economists, lawyers, and administrators. 2. Regulatory Functions The basic functions of the postal regulatory authority are: First, to guarantee universal postal services in the country according to the Postal Law and other laws and regulations so as to enable the public to provide basic postal services at affordable rates throughout the territory of Germany; to protect postal users The interests and secrets of communications; maintain fair competition in the postal market; and safeguard the interests of public security. Second, international affairs related to the German postal service are handled on an international level. These include handling international postal affairs at all UPU levels on behalf of Germany, attending the annual meeting of the UPU Administrative Council and attending the annual meeting of the UPU Council; Germany attends the biennial European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrative Conferences to attend the Working Group on Regulatory, Economic and UPU Affairs (which is responsible for international economic liberalization, WTO, the definition of the postal service and the postal network); On behalf of Germany in the European Commission to perform the relevant functions.
大明宫是大唐帝国的政治中心,同时它也是唐代文化的重要载体,只是以往人们对后者少有论及。这里以乐舞、绘画为主,阐释大明宫与唐文化的重要关系。  大明宫每年都要举行各种形式的乐舞演出,唐诗有“蝉蝉日出大明宫,天乐遥闻在碧空”“三十仙人谁得听,含元殿角管弦声”等句,便描写了这种盛况。大明宫中表演乐舞的场所,有丹凤门、含元殿、宣政殿、麟德殿等处,其中以麟德殿为最多,以宣政殿为最少。因为宣政殿本是皇帝举行朝
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Evaporative cooling is a widely used air cooling technique. In this method, evaporation of a liquid in the surrounding air cools the air in contact with it. In