
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sasa826
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游戏是幼儿喜爱的活动,它适合幼儿的身心发展,是对幼儿进行德、智、体全面发展教育的有力手段。寓教育于游戏中,幼儿可以愉快地接受各种知识和训练,受到生动形象的教育。幼儿游戏多种多样,各有不同特点与作用。体育游戏作用于体格锻炼,发展基本动作。智力游戏作用于发展智力。而人体运动和大脑发育有着密切的关系,运动器官的活动能促使大脑的发育,大脑的发育,又能促使运动器官更好地活动,两者是相互作用,互相促进的。因此,在幼 The game is a favorite activity for young children. It is suitable for the physical and mental development of young children and is a powerful means of educating young children on the moral, intellectual and physical development. Education in the game, children can happily accept a variety of knowledge and training, vivid education. A wide variety of toddler games, each with different characteristics and functions. Sports play a role in physical exercise, the development of basic movements. Intellect games play a role in developing intelligence. The human body movement and brain development are closely related to the activity of sports organs can promote the development of the brain, brain development, but also to promote better functioning of sports organs, the two interact and promote each other. So young
<正> 幼儿园与小学在教学要求、教学方法、活动形式和管理制度等各方面,存在着非常大的差别,这些差别构成两个阶段衔接之间的矛盾。做好幼儿园和小学的衔接工作.有利于小学教
直线、射线和线段是基本的几何图形,我们在小学时对它们已经有了一定程度的了解,今天再对其进行一次总结,来加深同学们对它们的理解。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文