198 7- 0 6~ 2 0 0 1~ 11我们对 6 5例原因不明的难治性或复发性气胸做胸腔镜检查 ,在查明原因后 ,于直视下松解、离断胸膜粘连带而关闭脏层胸膜裂口 ,并向裂口及肺大泡表面喷撒滑石粉行胸膜固定术治疗 ,收到显著效果 ,现报道如下。1 材料与方法1 1 一般资料 本组病例均为
198 7- 0 6 ~ 2 0 0 1 ~ 11 We retrospectively analyzed 65 cases of unexplained or refractory or recurrent pneumothorax by thoracoscope. After finding the cause, we loosened and cut off the pleural adhesions under direct vision Close the visceral pleural gap, and to the surface of the gap and bullae sprayed talc line pleurodesis treatment, received significant results are reported below. 1 Materials and Methods 1 1 General Information The patients were