
来源 :高中生学习(师者) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yoyo1028
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在高中语文教学中,诗歌鉴赏是教学难度较大的内容。在高考中,古诗鉴赏题也是最易失分的部分。我们都深有感触,课堂上侃侃而谈,可能对于学生毫无帮助,根本无法领会作者的思想感情,以至于面对古诗鉴赏题不知所措,最终造成对诗词鉴赏考试望而生畏。那么如何改变这种现状呢?笔者觉得丰富学生的情感体验,从情感上去把握诗歌尤为重要。那么对于学生的情感教育自然就应成为一个教学重点。 In high school Chinese teaching, poetry appreciation is a difficult teaching content. In the college entrance examination, ancient poetry appreciation title is the most vulnerable part of the lost. We are all deeply touched and talking in class. It may not help our students and we can not comprehend the thoughts and feelings of the author at all. As a result, we are overwhelmed by the poetic appreciation of the ancient poems and ultimately dread the test of poetry appreciation. So how to change the status quo? I think it is more important to enrich the emotional experience of the students and grasp the poetry emotionally. Then the emotional education of students should naturally become a teaching focus.
每种动物都有一套通讯的独特办法,其中有些动物使用的是“气味语言”。它们发出的有味的化学物质,可以用来标明地点、鉴别同类与敌人、引诱异性、寻找配偶、发出警报或者集合群体。但是,它们没有想到,有一天会葬身于自己的这种特殊本领。  但是,负责这项工作的不都是鼻子。比如,昆虫是用头上的触角来分辨气味的,而海洋哺乳动物鲸是靠舌头来感知气味的。  前苏联科学家用臭虫做实验。臭虫稍一受压,即散发出臭烘烘的“芳香