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针对目前高等学校课堂教学过程中,尤其是基础理论的教学中,普遍存在学生参与课堂程度低、教学效果差的现状,本文以作者自身讲授“聚合物分子量的统计意义”为实例,详细记录了在课堂中如何实施老师引导、学生参与的互动教学过程。课堂设计从学生自身出发,讲解、讨论、练习等教学方法相互穿插,充分体现了以生为本的教学理念。经过多年教学实践,证明这种教学形式有助于学生掌握知识点,且学生参与课堂活动人数相比老师单独讲解有大幅度的提高。 In the current teaching process of higher education, especially in the teaching of basic theory, there is a common situation that the students’ participation in the classroom is low and the teaching effect is poor. This article uses the author’s own teaching “statistical significance of polymer molecular weight” as an example, and details Record how to implement the interactive teaching process of teacher guidance and student participation in the classroom. Classroom design starting from the students themselves, to explain, discuss, practice and other teaching methods interspersed with each other, fully embodies the students-oriented teaching philosophy. After years of teaching practice, this form of teaching is proved to help students master the knowledge points, and the number of students participating in classroom activities compared to the teacher alone to explain a substantial increase.
本文分别考察了流速、pH值、上柱液体积和浓度对强碱性阴离子交换纤维动态吸附和解吸三七总皂苷的影响,并计算了动态吸附和解吸活化能.结果表明:在初始质量浓度为0.552 mg/mL
和很多高端技术的来历一样,GPS的“出身”也有着浓浓的军事背景,即全球卫星定位系统。在20世纪70年代,美国为了和苏联对抗,耗资130亿美元研制开发出来的。 Like many high-e
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[Objective]To screen the optimum extraction technology of huperzine A from Huperzia serrata by enzymatic method. [Method]Using cellulase to hydrolyze the cytode
[目的]明确交配和黑光灯处理对棉铃虫生物钟基因cryptochromes mRNA表达的影响。[方法]应用实时定量PCR(SYBRGreen)技术检测不同条件下棉铃虫cryptochromes(cry1和cry2)基因
(摘自《信息产业报》2 0 0 0年 8月 2日 )我曾经试图对信息时代人类行为的异化进行研究。异化 (Alienation)是一个哲学用语 ,是指将自己拥有的东西转化成同自己对立的东西。而我的本意