Remaining Time Prediction for Business Processes with Concurrency Based on Log Representation

来源 :中国通信(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dickensking
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Remaining time prediction of business pro-cesses plays an important role in resource scheduling and plan making.The structural features of single process instance and the concurrent running of multi-ple process instances are the main factors that affect the accuracy of the remaining time prediction.Ex-isting prediction methods does not take full advan-tage of these two aspects into consideration.To ad-dress this issue,a new prediction method based on trace representation is proposed.More specifically,we first associate the prefix set generated by the event log to different states of the transition system,and en-code the structural features of the prefixes in the state.Then,an annotation containing the feature represen-tation for the prefix and the corresponding remaining time are added to each state to obtain an extended transition system.Next,states in the extended transi-tion system are partitioned by the different lengths of the states,which considers concurrency among mul-tiple process instances.Finally,the long short-term memory (LSTM) deep recurrent neural networks are applied to each partition for predicting the remaining time of new running instances.By extensive experi-mental evaluation using synthetic event logs and real-life event logs,we show that the proposed method out-performs existing baseline methods.
为实现泰来绿豆产地溯源研究,筛选适宜算法与样品形态对模型精度的影响与应用,实验采用傅里叶变换近红外漫反射光谱技术对来自泰来绿豆和非泰来绿豆共计253份样品进行产地溯源研究.结果表明,采用绿豆粉末状态建模效果要优于籽粒状态,对绿豆粉末鉴别研究中,运用因子化法建模的检测精度要优于标准算法,该法结合一阶导数+5点平滑的预处理方式建立的定性分析模型及采用Ward\'s algorithm聚类算法结合二阶导数+SNV+5点平滑的预处理方式建立的聚类分析模型分别对粉末状泰来绿豆的正确鉴别率为96.15%和92.3
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