一、会议情况这次理事会,时间虽短,但与会同志精力集中,讨论热烈,完成了预期任务。理事们听取了“中国水利学会四届二次理事会扩大会议”、 “全国农树水利工作会议”、“省水利工作会议”精神的传达和左东启理事长所作的工作报告,进行了认真的讨论,充分肯定了学会工作的成绩,对今后学会工作提出了许多宝贵的意见和建议。无锡、扬州、淮阴三个市的水利学会作了经验介绍,既交流了情况,又给了我们很好的启发。这次会议对推动
First, the meeting situation The council, although a short time, but the participating comrades focused, heated discussion, completed the expected tasks. The governors listened to the “Enlarged Meeting of the Second Session of the Fourth China Water Conservancy Society”, the “National Conference on Agricultural and Hydraulic Work”, the “Provincial Conference on Water Conservancy” Work report, conducted a serious discussion, fully affirmed the achievements of the Institute, for the future work of the study made many valuable comments and suggestions. Wuxi, Yangzhou, Huaiyin Institute of Water Resources made an experience introduction, both the exchange of information, gave us a good inspiration. This meeting is to promote