Analysis of Urban Expansion and Driving Forces in Xuzhou City Based on Remote Sensing

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amwygah021121
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Based on satellite remote sensing TM/ETM+ images of Xuzhou city,land use forms of the city in 1987,1994 and 2000 were extracted by using a neural network classification method. The expansion contribution rate and annual expansion intensity index of each administrative district have been calculated and the contribution rate matrices and spatial distribution maps of land use changes were obtained. Based on the above analysis,the characteristics of urban expansion from 1987 to 2000 have been explored. From 1987 to 1994,the expansion contribution rate of Quanshan dis-trict reached 46.80%,the highest in all administrative districts of Xuzhou city; Tongshan town was in a high-speed ex-pansion period; both Quanshan and Yunlong districts were experiencing fast-speed expansion periods while the entire city was expanding at a medium-speed with an annual expansion intensity index of 0.98; the city spread eastwards and southwards. From 1994 to 2000,the expansion contribution rate of Quanshan district reached 43.67%,the highest in Xuzhou; the entire city was in a medium-speed expansion period with an annual expansion intensity index of 1.04; the city has rapidly been extended towards the southeast. According to the contribution rate matrices of land use changes,urban expansion mainly usurps cropland and woodland. A quantitative analysis found that population growth,indus-trialization and economic development are the primary driving forces behind urban expansion. Based on satellite remote sensing TM / ETM + images of Xuzhou city, land use forms of the city in 1987, 1994 and 2000 were extracted by using a neural network classification method. The expansion contribution rate and annual expansion intensity index of each administrative district have been calculated and the contribution rate were obtained from space distribution maps of land use changes were obtained. From 1987 to 1994, the expansion contribution rate of Quanshan dis-trict reached 46.80%, the highest in all administrative districts of Xuzhou city; Tongshan town was in a high-speed ex-pansion period; both both Quanshan and Yunlong districts were experiencing fast-speed expansion zones while the entire city was expanding at a medium-speed with an annual expansion intensity index of 0.98; the city spread eastwards and southwards. From 1994 to 2000, the expansion contribution rate of Quanshan distr The city was in a medium-speed expansion period with an annual expansion intensity index of 1.04; the city has rapidly been extended towards the southeast. According to the contribution rate matrices of land use changes A quantitative analysis found that population growth, indus-trialization and economic development are the primary driving forces behind urban expansion.
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