由中华世纪坛艺术馆和意大利文化推广中心及佛罗伦萨博物馆联合举办《罗马的曙光——意大利伊特鲁里亚文化展》在中华世纪坛艺术馆隆重举行,展览截止日期为:2004年2月28日。展出来自意大利数座博物馆的349件珍贵出土品,这些伊特鲁里亚文化最具代表性的文物,将向我们全面展示意大利前罗马时代的辉煌文明及其创造者——伊特鲁里亚人激情浪漫的生活画卷。 本刊节选刊登部分艺术品,以供读者欣赏。
The “Dawn of Rome - The Etruscan Culture in Italy” jointly organized by the China Millennium Monument Museum of Art and the Italian Center for Cultural Promotion and the Florence Museum was held at the China Millennium Monument Museum of Art. The deadline for the exhibition is February 28, 2004 day. The exhibition presents 349 precious artifacts from several Italian museums. These most representative artifacts of Etruscan culture will give us a full display of the brilliant civilization of Italy’s pre-Roman era and its creator, Etruria Asian passionate romantic picture of life. Selected publication published some art works for readers to enjoy.