PVC 低发泡硬质板材是国际上七十年代初发展起来的新型建筑材料,欧美各国称之为“硬质发泡体”(Rigid Foam)或“合成木材”。江苏省扬州塑料厂引进奥地利的辛辛那提·米拉克朗公司 CM80双螺杆挤出机,成为目前国内少数生产 PVC 低发泡硬质板材的工厂之一。
The PVC low-foaming rigid board is a new type of building material developed internationally in the early 1970s. The countries in Europe and America call it “rigid foam” (Rigid Foam) or “synthetic wood”. Yangzhou Plastics Factory of Jiangsu Province introduced the Cincinnati Mirakron CM80 twin-screw extruder in Austria, which has become one of the few factories in China that produce PVC low-foaming hard plates.